Empowering People

Western Churches rarely train, empower and release believers into effective service. Not withstanding good intentions.

We often see churches valiantly trying to do this, but rarely do this well

Unfortunately many Western Church models are conflicted to “disciple” people in regular attendance and paying money to keep paying staff salaries, buildings, assets, etc. and keep the business model moving. This is not really discipling the way Jesus or Paul taught.

However, many of us started our humble faith-walk in this way.

In stark contrast, just like the early middle-eastern church, at Oasis we are all self-funded marketplace missionaries. Just like the Apostle Paul, we all perform our own marketplace “tentmaking” to make a living, but in our everyday activities we expand the Kingdom of God by reflecting God’s peace, kindness, love, mercy and generosity in our daily lives and focus on the wellbeing of others, as well as the life-giving message of Jesus.

We are software developers, homemakers, business people, teachers, musicians, farmers, bus drivers, cooks, merchants and engineers. But first and foremost, according to scripture, we simply express our love to others and love God the best way we know how.

We are very serious about developing, empowering and releasing each individual into a mature, influential, faith-filled life to transform their world for Jesus… every day of the week, where ever they set foot.

A practical demonstration of these ideas is to foster discussion at interactive Oasis gatherings. Ever person is “at a different faith step” in their journey, and we let that be “totally okay”. All are welcome to the table.

Every person is important to God.