Good Technology

Jesus said he will make us “Fishers of Men”.

We are on a mission to train and release thousands of believers into their Priesthood and Calling to “Go Make Disciples”. So we need to learn how to fish “at a large scale”.

To do this we need to contact, meet, train and release thousands of capable Followers of Jesus.

To enable this we leverage tools and technology including AI to advance our effective outreach, ability to communicate, connect, invite and train others.

We freely give away our Intellectual Property (IP) under Copyleft and Open Source licensing arrangements to advance the Kingdom of God.

We also offer free zoom sessions to orientate others with powerful tips, tools and training.

All we do is aligned with scriptural patterns.

Do you want help to grow your Simple/House Church and Network using advanced and easy to use technology ?

 Then contact us, we would love to help you reach more people.