Contact Us

How can we help you ?

Got a question or want to know more ??

Want to come to a gathering ??

Want to start your own vibrant faith group ??

For more information, training, introduction to good resources or just have a good a good chat, just reach out. We are happy to talk to you.

Our background is probably not that much different you, or millions of others. We started our faith-walk in heavily structured traditional churches, and as we learnt and grew, we became more bold and more confident in the call of God on the life of every single believer to become reproductive disciple-makers.

We now live in the knowledge that scripture supports the view that followers of Jesus become his disciples, who make more disciples and plant faith groups from their own homes. We have an unwavering assurance that this same Jesus-following “paradigm” that changed the world from house-to-house, has never changed.

Our daily faith-goal is to simply live as Jesus followers as the New Testament describes. We are living the dream !!

Martin & Cher Spratt – Urban Missionnaries

Mobile: +61.466.83.9944 (Martin)

Mobile: +61.428.33.5555 (Cher)