About Oasis

Your local Oasis group is a relaxed, safe and “unchurchy” way to gather, make lifelong friends, discover your gifts, get well equipped, and grow in Jesus.

Welcome to the original way of gathering, learning and faith building, just like the original Church in the Book of Acts. Find a local Oasis where you can discover your gifts, build lifelong friendships, get well equipped and transform your world.

Gathering as a group of likeminded friends, we embrace all we can from the Good Book, but we keep it simple, social and interactive…. and always gathering around food or good coffee. It’s relaxed and fun.

Simple & Authentic is beautiful.

RELATIONAL “OASIS” FOCUS – We redefine the qualities of how an Oasis group functions and we find and use simple biblical themes to shape all we do with… Dignity, Respect, Honor, Discretion, Safety, Non Judgmental, Non-Religious, Kind, Safe and Gentle. Love God. Love each other.

The Foundations of Oasis

Started in 2021, Oasis began at The Lime Box Cafe on the South-Eastern outskirts of metro Melbourne, as an idea to gather likeminded people in a really relaxed, friendly format to experience a type of fellowship where all contribute, all are important, and each person has significance.

The group started with customers from the cafe who liked the idea of this type of gathering. The group has grown organically by the invitation of guests inviting others. Initially we ban meeting at the cafe, but soon we started moving from “House to House” like in the pages of the the Book of Acts.

Originally we would meet at 6pm Friday nights, but due to workloads and other pragmatic reasons we moved the gatherings to 6pm Saturday night which actually seems to work better for everyone.

After 2 years the group has grown to 8 different houses, and invitations are 4 generations deep. It’s still very humble and the focus of each meeting is to enjoy each others company, and dedicate the gathering to honor Jesus.

After 3 years one of our group. Edward, returned to Abu Ahabi and plans to start a new group there based on the same simple New Testament values.

Today, our Oasis gatherings include people with a wide variety of faith backgrounds including Baptists, Anglicans, Catholics, Uniting Church, Pentecostals, Un-Churched, Ex-Churched and many more . Everyone gets along. It’s lovely. All humans have a longing to touch eternity and experience a deeper spiritual faith-walk. Oasis plays a simple role in that experience.

Oasis is based on friendships and relationships, not membership or attendance. We don’t “measure” or judge people. We love our Oasis friends who have become very special and dear to each us, and each other. Our love of Jesus is the one simple thing that unites us all.

When someone volunteers to host an Oasis meeting at their own house, we let then lead and run the meeting and meal however they see fit. This means each gathering is different in it’s expression, but always God-honoring, fun and deeply satisfying. Usually someone will speak and bring a personal story, a testimony, a teaching, a revelation, a poem or a song.

We cannot predict what any gathering will look like. This makes Oasis very unique in the western-mind as a spiritual gathering, but quite natural and native to the story of the original church Paul wrote about in his time moving around the Middle-East and the Mediterranean.

We find that people trust the group and feel really comfortable inviting workmates, neighbors and friends, in the knowledge that as a visitor they will be honored and respected and have an enjoyable time.

These are the five (5) core scriptures that inspired us to initiate, define and influence healthy, safe and enjoyable Oasis gatherings.

The “Oasis” name came from The Passion Bible Translation (TPT) as you will see below.

  1. “He offers a resting place for me in his luxurious love. His tracks take me to an OASIS of peace near the quiet brook of bliss.” Psalm 23:2 (TPT).
  2. “Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your OASIS.” Matt 11:28 (TPT)

3. “Each will be a hiding place from the stormy wind and a SECRET SHELTER from the tempest. Life will flow from each one, like streams of WATER in the desert, like the refreshing SHADE of a massive rock in a weary, thirsty land.” Isaiah 32:2 (TPT).

4. “It will be a tabernacle as a SHADE from the scorching heat of the day and a SAFE shelter to protect them from the storm and rain.” Isaiah 4:6 (TPT)

5. “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.” Galatians 5:22-23 (TPT)

Life Transforming Conversations.

The biggest transformative conversations of our lives often happen at the kitchen table, or over a cup of coffee with someone we trust or respect.

It’s in these moments of trusted conversations and sincere caring that people can speak into our lives and help us solve a problem, understand a situation or overcome a tough life moment. Just “being heard” can be a powerful moment for some if us.

Conversations with others are part of the transformative nature of Christian fellowship, and we intentionally host and encourage these conversations as much as possible. At our interactive Oasis gatherings, the speaker gets healed and the listener gets healed. It’s a lovely mystery.

The “mystery” of the Body of Jesus includes the gathering of his people on earth. When we gather we form another expression of his body. If we love Jesus, then we love the things he loves, which is the fellowship (conversations, speaking, listening) with other Jesus followers. The beautiful mystery of the church on earth just grows naturally.

How do you want to do your Faith Journey ?